Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Year in Review

So, here's how it played out. My plan was to read one book each month from a set list. While I read a great deal more than one title per month, I didn't manage to read everything I'd planned to. I read:

with varying degrees of enjoyment and edification.

I attempted to read:

And I did not read:

  • There is a God by Antony Flew

  • Prisoner of Birth by Jeffrey Archer

  • Heaven is Real by Don Piper, and

  • Who Switched Off My Brain? by Caroline Leaf (my husband did read this, though, and says it's fantastic)

Next post, the reading list for 2010! In the meantime, how did your reading go in 2009? Did you meet your goals? What stood out for you - the best, the worst, the mediocre...?

1 comment:

Kimber said...

I didn't actually make up a list. I just gobble up anything that tends to look interesting and is available at the library. I thoroughly enjoyed The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, although it was much darker and more macabre than I'd expected. Very well written though, and I couldn't put it down. Two other faves were the L.M. Montgomery Biographies I devoured in the early winter before Jade was born. Lengthy, but well written by scholars at the U of Guelph. Fascinating stuff. Also enjoyed The Glass Castle, and The Time Travellers Wife.