Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What in the World is Going On? 10 Prophetic Clues You Cannot Afford to Ignore

by Dr. David Jeremiah
Thomas Nelson, 2008

This is a must read for anyone who looks at our world today and wonders what on earth is happening. Dr. David Jeremiah has been studying prophecy for over 40 years and is able to explain it in language the layperson can understand.

In What in the World is Going On, he addresses why Israel is so important; discusses the European Union, Islamic terrorism, and the Rapture of the church; and offers a blow-by-blow account of what will happen in the end times.

This is very exciting and enlightening reading. My husband and father-in-law have been passionate about prophecy since before I knew them; now I am too. If there's one book you have to read this year, this is it!

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